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UK FIRES Document: (UK Fires sponsored by government and is a collaboration between the universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Nottingham, Bath and Imperial College London. "We have to cut our greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050: that’s what climate scientists tell us, it’s what social protesters are asking for and it’s now the law in the UK. (...) ringing about this change, and exploring the opportunities it creates requires three things to happen together: as individuals we need to be part of the process, exploring the changes in lifestyle we prefer in order to make zero emission a reality. Protest is no longer enough (...) By 2050, we will have only very limited cementitious material and will use only recycled steel, (...) The fossil fuel, cement, shipping and aviation industries face rapid contraction, (...) All existing forms of cement production are incompatible with zero emissions (...) Zero emissions will drive a rapid transition in material requirements. Significant reduction in demand for some ores and minerals,(...) by 2050 will have only 60% of the electricity required to power a fleet equivalent to that in use today. Therefore we will either use 40% fewer cars or they will be 60% the size. (...) There are no options for zero-emissions flight in the time available for action, so the industry faces a rapid contraction. Developments in electric flight may be relevant beyond 2050.(...) Stop using aeroplanes (...) Without flying, there will be growth in domestic and train-reach tourism and leisure. (...) All coal, gas, and oil-fuel supply from extraction through the supply chain to retail must close within 30 years, although carbon capture and storage may allow some activity later.(...) Reduce consumption of beef and lamb as these have far higher emissions than any other common food. (...) Lobby supermarkets to support farmers in using less fertiliser - it has a high impact, but much of it is wasted as it’s spread too far away from the plants. (...) Lobby for more trains, no new roads, airport closure and more renewable electricity.